Yep, it sure is! And it's not just a marketing scheme to spirit money from your pocket, either. Day care for dogs has some really amazing benefits for all ages and personalities. Don't believe us? Read on, and check out the day care testimonials below!
At some point in his/her life, your pup is going to be around other dogs. For his future safety and enjoyment, it's vitally important for him to learn appropriate socialization skills in a safe, supervised environment like the one we offer at CMK.
Puppies must be 16 weeks old to attend day care and must have received at least the first round of vaccinations for Parvo, Distemper, Rabies, and Bordetella.
Chewed shoes. Destroyed drapes. Pillaged trash cans (and the gastro results on the carpet). Craters dug in the backyard. Most, if not all, destructive behaviors can be traced to boredom. Fido needs some way to expend energy, and will often come up with creative ways to do so that you don't particularly like. Day care gives a positive outlet for both physical and mental energy, preserving the safety of every slipper in your household....
Often, older dogs can't last all day inside at home without relieving themselves, which can lead to either accidents or chronic urinary tract infections. Here at CMK, Golden Oldies go outside multiple times a day to their own quiet, slow moving, nap-taking yard. Besides being able to relieve themselves regularly, going in and out of the kennel encourages them to move more throughout the day than they do at home, ensconced in a bed or on a couch. Most older dogs enjoy a little company, and while they rarely play, they do enjoy poking their noses into corners, basking in the sun, or rolling in the snow, all while (we suspect) discussing with each other all the bones they have hidden, the cats they have chased, and debating the best methods of begging table scraps.
Year 'round we offer REGULARLY SCHEDULED daycare (i.e. Buddy attends every Monday and Wednesday, Fluffy comes every Thursday). These recurring weekly reservations are sold in prepaid packages of 10 days at a cost of $200 for the first dog. Additional dogs in the same family are $100 each per package. This service runs fully booked most of the time, so please call to arrange where we can fit your dog in.
OCCASIONAL daycare is on a limited availability, reservation required basis Mondays - Thursdays ONLY from Memorial Day to Labor Day. No half days, no exceptions. 25% nonrefundable deposit is required at time of booking.
1 dog $50, 2 dogs $90, 3 dogs $120.
We accept day care attendees between 7:00 - 10:00 am
and release them between
4:00 - 7:00 pm. NO EXCEPTIONS.
VACCINATIONS: All guests must be fully vaccinated. Per Flathead County law, every dog at our facility must be up to date on RABIES. By policy, we also require proof of current vaccination status for DISTEMPER, PARVO and BORDETELLA. Due to its live-virus status, the Bordetella vaccine must be given more than three days before attendance.
INTACT STATUS: Intact males and females are welcome at CMK; however, we absolutely cannot take a female during her heat cycle or for three weeks following the cessation of the cycle. This is a health and safety issue and our policy is in place for the well-being of your girl.
My relationship with Will and Andrea Brunz started because I wanted to give my puppy Lucy some socialization a couple times a week. In the daycare program, I never feared that Lucy would be placed in a group of dogs that were “out of her league”, even as a 4 month old puppy. Will and Andrea are so skilled at determining the best level and type of interactions for the dogs placed in their care. I would pick Lucy up from daycare and she would be relaxed and tired from a day of playing. Because of our positive experience with daycare, Lucy and I started Will’s “Levels” training program. Our progress has been a steady and fun journey that my dog and I enjoy together. We are learning how to communicate with each other and are planning on continuing through the Levels program with the goal of becoming a Licensed Therapy Dog team. To strengthen our communication skills and our ability to work as a team, as well as keeping Lucy’s brain engaged and sharp, Lucy and I have taken Will’s Nosework classes and enjoy solving the nosework puzzles. I never knew interacting with my dog could be so rewarding.
Everything we have experienced through Columbia Mountain Kennels supports a happy, healthy, ever-growing relationship between dog and owner. I have complete trust in the care and service Will and Andrea provide and cannot recommend them highly enough.
LeAnn Speakman and Lucy
Sometime ago Mom got a puppy. I laughed when she said daycare. “I will never” must have come out of my mouth, because here I am taking Tally to daycare.
Columbia Mountain Kennels has been instrumental in raising a K-9. We enrolled Tally 2 days a week. Will, Andrea and crew did an amazing job of socializing Tally. Tally is great around other dogs, is quick to make friends and use appropriate doggie behaviors. We appreciate that Tally comes home tired, she gets tons of play and exercise.
There is the added benefit of Will and Andrea’s extensive knowledge. I always have questions, how would you…..? What if….? I always get helpful advice.
Steve and Denise Osborne & Tally
Will and Andrea are in my top five kindest people I've ever met. My dog Molly is my life and I was a bit nervous leaving her at a daycare I'd never been to in a state I had yet to visit. My worries disappeared as soon as I met them. They have such a nice set up for dogs and Molly was very well taken care of. Molly is also very skittish so Will researched two different trainers in my area that could help me when i got home. I never asked for him to do that, he just did cause that's the kind of people he and Andrea are. They gave me countless tips not just for training Molly but what to see and do during my visit to Glacier National Park. I could go on and on about Columbia Mountain Kennels! They are amazing folks and your dogs couldn't be in better hands.
Hannah Hamilton & Molly
I take my energetic coonhound here for daycare on a semi-regular basis and couldn't be more impressed with Will and Andrea! My usually tireless dog comes home happy and exhausted after a full day at Columbia Mountain Kennels. I've used other kennels in the past a realized my dog was not getting adequate playtime at other facilities, and I can see that he loves his days here. He whines in excitement as soon as I drive up to drop him off in the morning!
Aletheia McCurry & Blarney